About Us
About Us
The Colorado Fallen Firefighters Foundation was established in August of 1989 by a group of interested fire personnel and survivors of fallen firefighters. The purposes and activities of the Foundation include the following:
To solicit funds to design and erect a memorial dedicated to honor community firefighters who have given their lives in the performance of their duties. Those honored will include paid and volunteer firefighters at the District, City and State levels in the State of Colorado.
To coordinate the formation of a support and referral group to assist the surviving spouses and dependents of firefighters killed in the line of duty. Among other goals, the support group system will endeavor to establish a network of families of fallen firefighters to provide support and counseling to those families, in coping with the trauma and adjustments in their lives occasioned by their loss.
To establish an educational grant program for the benefit of surviving spouses and children of Colorado fallen firefighters. The anticipated purpose of such a program is to provide assistance in meeting the costs of a secondary education for those persons, particularly as to expenses not covered through other scholarship programs (e.g., books, supplies, room and board).
The above operational information was provided at the onset of the Foundation. To date the Foundation has collected the funds necessary to erect a memorial that is located in Lakewood, Colorado at Belmar Park (approximate cross streets are Wadsworth and Alameda). The Foundation has also provided three scholarships to dependents of fallen firefighters. All funds received by the Foundation are used only for the Foundation. There are no paid staff members at this time.